Fit model to this random selection of data points. 这个随机选择的数据点的拟合模型。
Our school has provided the graduates with employment information, and recommended the best fit for the job, based on the principle of dual-directional selection. 学校为毕业生提供就业信息,本着双向选择的原则,择优推荐工作。
Border that resizes to fit the page. Drag selection handles to manually change the size. 边框会根据页面调整大小。拖动选择手柄可手动更改大小。
There are many tests of cultural and personal fit that can streamline assessment and that add a quantitative dimension to the selection process. 有很多文化和个人合适的测试,它们可以简化评估并在选择过程中加入定量尺寸。
To fit in with the features of signal and noise, a strategy of gradual changing threshold selection and quantization was presented. 提出一种渐变式阈值选择与量化策略,以适应信号与噪声特点。
A Review of Person-Organization Fit and Person-Job Fit in Employee Selection; Set up Individual-post Dynamic Matching Model to Realize Optimized Allocation of Collegial Non-teaching Post 建立个人-岗位动态匹配模型,实现高校非教学岗位人力资源优化配置
The paper described the traditional Dijkstra algorithm, then analyzed the reason Dijkstra algorithm is not fit to optimum route selection of public transportation network. 描述了传统的Dijkstra算法,并分析了Dijkstra算法不适合公交网络最优路径选择的原因。
The medical purchase is one of important aspects of hospital management, while the fit supplier selection is directly relative to the hospital survival and development. 医疗采购是医院管理的一个重要方面,而供应商的选择恰当与否,直接关系到医院的生存与发展。
The theoretical calculation value of some common transition fit is compared with practical statistical Value, which is of practically reference to the accuracy selection in mechanical design. 并对几种常用过渡配合的理论计算值及实际统计值作比较,这对于机械设计中的精度选择有实际参考意义。
The model is fit for the selection of permeability coefficient of tailings fill dam and earth-rock dam. 该模型适用于尾矿堆积坝和土石坝的渗透系数取值。
This paper discusses the influence of fit tolerance selection on reliability of internal combustion engine. 本文从配合公差选用角度来探讨其对可靠性的影响。
Least square method of polynomial or the method based on the given function are used to fit pump characteristic curve in pump selection or operation. 在水泵的选型或运行中,通常采用多项式的最小二乘法或根据假设的函数关系来拟合水泵性能曲线。
In order to fit in with the rapid development of higher nursing education, it is very needed to improve clinical teachers'teaching ability by selection, training, check to meet the present higher nursing students'demand. 为适应高等护理教育快速发展,应该通过对临床带教老师的选拔、培训、考核等措施不断提高临床护理教师的带教能力,以满足当代护理专业大学生的学习需求。
The feature and working mechanism of micro-whirling reactor ( MWR) are presented. MWR is used as the core of micro-whirling coagulation and the opening rate control to fit suitable selection of different surface opening diameters is very critical. 介绍了微涡流混凝工艺的核心&涡流反应器的特点及其混凝机理,指出对不同表面开孔直径的选用与开孔率的控制是其技术关键。
An important characteristic of human cognitive system is that it adapts itself to fit specific task demands and solve conflicts in terms of perceptual selection, response bias, and real-time use of context information. 人类认知系统的一个重要特征是它能根据知觉选择、反应偏向以及实时更新的情境信息调节自身以适应特定的任务,使这种适应性得以实现的认知过程就是认知控制。
The calculation has proved that the regression equations with non-optimum goodness of fit will not only lead to wrong selection of the optimum band, but cause a serious drop in detection accuracy of the silt content as well. 计算证明,拟合优度非最佳的回归方程不但会导致最佳波段的错误选择,而且亦将造成水体泥沙含量的遥感探测准确度的严重下降。
In addition, the effects of regression equations with different goodness of fit on the selection of the optimum band and the detection accuracy for silt content are also studied. 此外,还研究了拟合优度不同的回归方程对最佳遥感波段选择和泥沙含量遥感探测准确度的影响。
Discussion on Rolling Bearing Fit Selection from Burning Loss of Rolling Bearings 从滚动轴承的烧损看其配合的选择
This paper mainly gives an adaptation of PNNI routing protocol to fit the requirements of the ASON network. The adaptation can be divided into three parts: the PNNI routing hierarchy, the network routing information dissemination process and the path selection mechanism. 文中主要通过对PNNI的路由分层概念、PNNI的路由信息分发机制和PNNI的路径选择机制的介绍,给出PNNI路由的几个扩展,以适合ASON的路由需求。
However traditional protection devices are too simple that it can only fit to some simple fault condition. All kind of fault phase selector alone can not fully meet the power line fault selection. It is necessary to approach the selection with further study. 传统保护装置中的选相元件一般只考虑简单故障的情况,单独采用任何一种选相元件都不能完全满足线路选相的要求,因此有必要对选相方法进行进一步的研究。
In general, the presented comprehensive phase selector can fit the complicate working environment well and has remarkable ability for phase selection, without influence of mutual inductance between lines. 本文提出的综合选相元件能够很好的适应现场的复杂情况,且不受线间互感的影响,具有良好的选相能力。
This algorithm generated all of the code-groups which can be fit to the practical requirement in reasonable computational time, and expanded the range of code selection. 3-. 该算法能在合理时间内计算出所有符合实际需求的码字,扩大了码字的选择范围。
Finally, empirical equations were demonstrated to fit the experimental datas well and were of good significance by relevant statistic tests, which can provide a better reference for the selection of optimal cutting parameters when grinding and milling carbon fiber reinforced plastics. 最后通过相应的统计检验证明得到的经验公式很好的拟合了实验数据,具有良好的显著性,这为碳纤维复合材料的磨削和铣削加工时优选切削参数提供了良好的参考资料。
This research aims to explore person-organization fit technique, which could be used in the personnel selection of graduates '. The selection provided people and organizations to assess the theoretical basis and scientific methods. 本研究旨在探索人与组织匹配研究在学生招聘中应用的可行性及相关问题,为组织甄选人才提供个人与组织评估的理论依据和科学方法。
These methods fit to large scale A. annua single plant selection. 此两种方法适合于进行大规模黄花蒿单株筛选。